华盛顿 & det365app is committed to creating a campus culture that is welcoming, 尊重, and inclusive for all members of its community members. We understand that our campus community is representative of society at large, and there may be times when our community standards are interrupted if bias-related incidents occur. 为此目的, we have designed a two-pronged approach to respond to, as well as provide educational resources that proactively address, issues of bias that undermine our community values.

What is a Bias Incident?

Bias incidents are acts, 表达式, or behaviors that are motivated by bias or prejudice based on protected factors including race, 宗教, 国家的起源, 年龄, 性, 性别认同, 性取向 pregnancy, 公民身份, 家族的地位, 残疾, 军事地位, and genetic information. While these acts may not rise to the level of a crime or violation of a College policy, bias-related incidents may contribute to creating an unsafe or unwelcoming environment for members of our campus community.


According to the US Department of Justice, a hate crime include(s) acts of physical harm and specific criminal threats motivated by animus based on race, color, 国家的起源, 宗教, 性别, 性取向, 性别认同, 或残疾.


When 偏见事件报告s are received, the 偏见应对小组 will meet to review the report within 24-48 business hours. This Bias team is composed of 工作人员 and 教师 members from all areas of the college.


The 偏见咨询小组 consists of a group of 教师, 工作人员, and students who meet monthly to advise in the programming and training opportunities, discuss issues of bias that are pertinent to campus climate, recommend policy and programmatic changes, 编译报告, and assist the 偏见应对小组 as needed.


The 偏见咨询小组 serves as a resource to document and investigate bias incident reports, intently explore ways to improve campus climate and offer relevant recommendations and provide educational programming and support services for the campus community. This team does not replace offices tasked with overseeing processes involving policy violations or law enforcement matters. 相应的, violations of the Student Handbook will be referred to the Office of 社区标准 & 支持服务, issues of employee misconduct will be referred to the Office of Human Resources, and matters of law enforcement will be referred to 校园 & 公共安全. For any questions about the process or general inquiries, email bias@mastercases.net.


As a member of the 华盛顿 & det365app community, it is an expectation that we will all do our part to ensure that students, 教师, and 工作人员 are treated fairly and 尊重ly. Your responsibility begins in reporting incidents that interrupt or undermine a welcoming and inclusive campus environment.

If you believe you have experienced or witnessed bias, please submit a 偏见事件报告. If this is an emergency, please report the matter to 校园 & 公共安全 (724-223-6032) or call 911 before filing a report. All 偏见事件报告s will be reviewed within 24-48 business hours of receipt.